
News in Gastric Cancer

News from around the world, curated by the Gastric Cancer Foundation.
foundation board members meet with gastric cancer registry

Foundation Board Members Meet with Gastric Cancer Registry

Foundation board members recently visited the Gastric Cancer Registry at Stanford University’s Genome Technology Center to receive updates and discuss new opportunities to accelerate progress. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Hanlee Ji and his remarkable team of researchers, the Registry is advancing the understanding of gastric cancer, including both environmental and genetic factors.
Thank you to the many patients and family members who responded to our recent call for increased enrollment in the Registry. Your participation is making a truly unique and valuable contribution to the search for a cure. If you haven’t yet enrolled, we encourage you to join today. The process is easy. Visit gcregistry.stanford.edu to get started.
If you have already enrolled and want to update your family medical history with any significant changes, you can contact the registry directly at aalmeda@stanford.edu.