
Together, we will defeat stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, but it receives less than one-half of one percent (0.4%) of U.S. federal cancer research funding.

Your generosity will fund innovative new research and help people with stomach cancer face their journey with knowledge, support, and hope.

Creating New Paths to a Cure

$3.8 million granted to expand and accelerate research

We support emerging science, engaging with great minds with innovative ideas. Our funding is magnified many times over as projects leverage major grants to continue their work.

scholar awards mobilize brilliant young scientists

Early-career investigators are often discouraged from focusing on gastric cancer because funding is scarce. The Ben Feinstein Memorial Research Scholar Award provides 3-year grants of $100,000 per year to outstanding scholars. This multi-year support enables young scientists to build portfolios of work that lead to expanded funding for their investigations. Our scholars have successfully secured large grant commitments from the National Cancer Institute and Department of Defense.

seed grants launch promising studies

The foundation provides seed funding to launch projects at centers of research excellence across the country. This early support – which is often most difficult to secure – enables investigators to generate enough preliminary data to submit compelling and competitive applications for much larger grants to continue their studies.

Gastric Cancer Registry accelerates discoveries

The foundation launched the Gastric Cancer Registry as a resource to integrate clinical and genomic information from individuals who have been diagnosed with gastric cancer and others who may be at heightened risk for the disease. The registry at Stanford School of Medicine contains risk factor and treatment data, along with highly sophisticated tumor profiling. Researchers everywhere now have free access to comprehensive tumor data through the Genome Explorer, a searchable web-based interface.

Published Reports share research progress

Findings from foundation-funded studies are peer-reviewed and published in respected medical and scientific journals. Access our growing library of research papers.

research funding builds partnerships nationwide

Case Western Reserve University

Columbia University

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Massachusetts General Hospital

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Stanford University

University of Michigan

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

Vanderbilt University

Washington University, St. Louis

Helping Patients on their Journey

connect with other patients

Our safe and secure online community is your place to connect with others facing the same diagnosis. Join our safe and secure forum to ask questions, share information and experiences, and provide compassionate support to one another.

get practical nutrition tips

Hans Rueffert, our “Chef Without a Stomach,” provides delicious recipes and joins with a registered dietitian to offer useful tips for facing new nutrition challenges. With wit and optimism, Hans shares his experience and strategies for living in a new normal. Catch up on all episodes of the “Gesundheit Kitchen” video series and an extensive recipe archive are available at The Gesundheit Kitchen now.

match with a clinical trial

Information is power. Our free and confidential service will help you become informed and ready to discuss clinical trials with your care team as early as possible in your treatment planning. Learn about clinical trials and be prepared to discuss options with your care team. Trained navigators help you identify open clinical trials that best match with your diagnosis.

be an informed patient

We co-sponsor regular webinars that help patients better understand their condition and stay current about the latest in treatment options.
Subscribe to our online newsletter for important gastric cancer news and updates.

National sustaining sponsors