Are you newly diagnosed with gastric (stomach) cancer or a caregiver? You are not alone. Resources and support are available. Gastric Cancer Foundation was established to provide information and an understanding community for people with gastric cancer and their loved ones.
Common questions arise around treatments and managing side effects, hospital stays, and medical bills. You may also worry about caring for your family, keeping your job, or continuing your daily routine.
Find hope and inspiration. Share your story. Learn from others. We have partnered with Smart Patients to build a free private online community where gastric cancer patients and their families can learn from and support each other.
Use our free matching service to identify clinical trials looking for your specific diagnosis, stage and treatment history. A trained navigator is available to help. Phone and web-based assistance is available, and matches are drawn from the full national database of active clinical trials.
This free resource provides and organizes important information needed by patients in order to make informed healthcare decisions.
We’ll deliver our monthly newsletter to your inbox with Foundation updates, news about cutting edge research and trends in the field, and how to make a difference. Browse our newsletter archive and subscribe for upcoming news.
General resource for all cancers.
Doctor-approved patient information.
Free emotional and practical support from professional oncology social workers.
Free counseling or support for cancer patients or their loved ones.
Cancer Support Helpline: 1-888-793-9355
Enables patients to share their tumor samples and medical information with scientists who are conducting research. The unique genetic information in your cancer could hold the key to advances in cancer treatment.
Matches individuals seeking cancer support with a “Mentor Angel” for one-on-one support.
One-on-one support telephone support for patients, survivors and caregivers.
The federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training.
Helps underinsured people pay for the medications and treatment they need.
Provides underinsured people with financial assistance to cover all or part of the individuals’ out-of-pocket cost for supported medications.
Free, educational webinars and tools to help you navigate cancer-related legal and financial concerns.
Tools to help you navigate your cancer journey.